Porvair GasPro (TEM) Filters

  • TEM Filters

Porvair GasPro (TEM) Filters is a domestic manufacturer and one of the first to utilize Teflon membrane technology, electro-polished housings, and unique metal medias. These features are now the standard for most high-purity systems filter manufacturers. Porvair GasPro (TEM) Filters offer products in Teflon, stainless steel, and nickel mediums that are economically priced, have high efficiency and have low-pressure drops. Their flexible and streamline manufacturing processes allow for customization and non-standard applications for gas delivery systems. This streamline manufacturing allows for some of the shortest lead times in the industry. SilPac’s consumable inventory includes these cost-effective Porvair GasPro Filters (TEM Filters) with a wide range of connections and flow rates.


Contact Us Today for Porvair GasPro (TEM) Filters

Our success is measured by customer satisfaction, and our dedication to quality objectives drives continual improvement in all aspects of our business. 

Contact us or request a quote today and let us find the best solution to satisfy your needs and expectations.